Konica Minolta bizhub PRO 950 User Manual
Page 102

Windows Printing
bizhub PRO 950 Printer Driver
To print tabs using[Tab Image Shift], design your tab texts at the right
margin of each tab page. Use standard page sizes (Letter/A4) even for the
tab pages. Design other elements like headlines on tab pages such that
they are positioned correctly after the shifting. Mark the pages as printed
tab pages in the Trays panel.
[Tab Image Shift] and the shift value can be set only for the complete
document. If [Tab Image Shift] is enabled, tab texts cannot be entered in
the Trays panel because the shifting would move them off the page.
Font Name, Bold, Italic, and Size determine the font for the tab text.
Line Spacing determines the line spacing of multi line tab texts. It is
specified as a multiple of the font size.
Orientation determines the text orientation and direction on the tab. It can
Normal (downwards), Flipped (upwards), Horizontal, or Vertical. The
tab preview window shows the orientation visually.
Tab Position determines if the tab text is aligned at the top, center, or
bottom of the tab.
Horizontal Position allows to move the tab text horizontally. By default, the
visual center of the tab text is aligned with the horizontal center of the tab.
The Orientation and Position preview window shows a preview of each tab
text which has a page number assigned. This allows you to check if the tab
text fits into the tab. To select a tab, click on the desired tab in the Generic
preview window or choose it from the Tab scroll-down list below the
preview windows. To step (step backwards) through the tabs, click (shift-
click) repeatedly on the tab in the tab preview window.
To actually print on tab sheets, put the set of tab sheets into the selected tray
with long edge feed orientation, face down, first page on top, tabs to the left.
(Note that this is reverse order.) Make sure the job pages (A4 for A4 Tab,
Letter for Letter Tab) are also in long edge feed orientation.