Calling a contact, Calling from the quick dial list, Calling from another device – Avaya NN42030-102 User Manual

Page 39: Dialing an emergency number, Dialing an emergency

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Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator - Client for Nokia User Guide 39

Calling a contact

Place a call to a contact from your Nokia device to any of your contact’s telephone numbers.

Placing a call to a contact from your Nokia device

1. Navigate to the Main, Phone, Search, or Business Contacts pane.

2. Scroll to a recent call entry or contact.

3. Press the green call button or select Options, Call .

4. A prefix pane may appear. Enter the prefix, if any, and press the green dial key again (for example, 9

for an outside line).

The system sets up a direct call between your wireless device and your contact at their default contact

Calling from the Quick Dial List

1. Go to the Phone pane.

2. Scroll through the Quick Dial List and highlight an entry.

3. Press the green call button.

Select Menu, Call .

Calling from another device

You can initiate a call on your Nokia device and then have the conversation on any of your preconfigured
devices. Configure your devices using

“Configuring Owner Information” on page 23


Calling from another device

1. Select Settings, IM and Call Settings, Call From.

2. Select the device you want to make the call from.

3. Scroll to a recent call entry or contact.

4. Press the green call button or select Options, Call .

5. A prefix pane may appear. Enter the prefix, if any, and press the green dial key again (for example, 9

for an outside line).

The enterprise telephony system calls the device you selected. After you answer, the enterprise telephony
system calls your friend at their default contact location.


When you select Call from Extension the system always calls your desktop extension

regardless of whether the Avaya 3100 MC - Client is configured to operate in Call-me-First or Direct

Dialing an emergency number

When you dial an emergency number, such as 911 or 112, the Avaya 3100 MC - Client for Nokia switches
to the native device phone and the call proceeds over the cellular network.

You do not need to configure your client for emergency dialing. Avaya 3100 MC - Client for Nokia
automatically downloads a list of valid emergency numbers from the Avaya 3100 Mobile Communicator