Cirrus Logic CS43L21 User Manual
Cs43l21, Low-power, stereo digital-to-analog converter, Features
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1. Pin Descriptions - Software (Hardware) Mode
- 2. Typical Connection Diagrams
- 3. Characteristic and Specification Tables
- Specified Operating Conditions
- Absolute Maximum Ratings
- Analog Output Characteristics (Commercial - CNZ)
- Analog Output Characteristics (Automotive - DNZ)
- Line Output Voltage Characteristics
- Headphone Output Power Characteristics
- Combined DAC Interpolation & on-Chip Analog FIlter Response
- Switching Specifications - Serial Port
- Switching Specifications - I²C Control Port
- Switching Characteristics - SPI Control Port
- DC Electrical Characteristics
- Digital Interface Specifications & Characteristics
- Power Consumption
- 4. Applications
- 4.1 Overview
- 4.2 Hardware Mode
- 4.3 Analog Outputs
- 4.4 Serial Port Clocking
- 4.5 Digital Interface Formats
- 4.6 Initialization
- 4.7 Recommended Power-Up Sequence
- 4.8 Recommended Power-Down Sequence
- 4.9 Software Mode
- 5. Register Quick Reference
- 6. Register Description
- 6.1 Chip I.D. and Revision Register (Address 01h) (Read Only)
- 6.2 Power Control 1 (Address 02h)
- 6.3 Speed Control (Address 03h)
- 6.4 Interface Control (Address 04h)
- 6.5 DAC Output Control (Address 08h)
- 6.6 DAC Control (Address 09h)
- 6.7 PCMX Mixer Volume Control: PCMA (Address 10h) & PCMB (Address 11h)
- 6.8 Beep Frequency & Timing Configuration (Address 12h)
- 6.9 Beep Off Time & Volume (Address 13h)
- 6.10 Beep Configuration & Tone Configuration (Address 14h)
- 6.11 Tone Control (Address 15h)
- 6.12 AOUTx Volume Control: AOUTA (Address 16h) & AOUTB (Address 17h)
- 6.13 PCM Channel Mixer (Address 18h)
- 6.14 Limiter Threshold SZC Disable (Address 19h)
- 6.15 Limiter Release Rate Register (Address 1Ah)
- 6.16 Limiter Attack Rate Register (Address 1Bh)
- 6.17 Status (Address 20h) (Read Only)
- 6.18 Charge Pump Frequency (Address 21h)
- 7. Analog Performance Plots
- 8. Example System Clock Frequencies
- 9. PCB Layout Considerations
- 10. Digital Filters
- 11. Parameter Definitions
- 12. References
- 13. Package Dimensions
- 14. Ordering Information
- 15. Revision History