Cleaning and maintenance – DuraVent PelletVent Pro User Manual
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1. Have your system cleaned by a certified
chimney sweep if you have doubts about your
ability to clean it. Use a plastic or flexible steel
brush. Do not use a stiff brush that will scratch
the stainless steel liner of your system.
2. PelletVent Pro systems must be installed
so that access is provided for inspection and
3. The system should be inspected at least
once every month during the heating season.
4. Do not use chemical cleaners. They can
damage the vent pipe.
5. To increase the life PelletVent Pro, coat
all exterior metal parts with high temperature,
rustproof paint. This is highly recommended,
particularly in areas near the ocean.
6. In case of a chimney fire, close all
appliance draft openings shut off appliance
and call your Fire Department. Do not use the
appliance or vent until it has been inspected
for possible damage and silicone gaskets
7. Dura-Vent is not responsible for flue by-
products that might discolor roofs or walls.