Installation in a cathedral ceiling – DuraVent PelletVent Pro User Manual
Page 18

the offset down to opening in masonry.
B. A Tee Section is installed at the bottom end
of the vertical pipe (Figure 26).
C. A Reduction Collar or a Trim Collar is
required to go around the pipe section that
passes through the masonry to give it a
finished look.
3. It will be necessary to break out the
masonry around the location of the pipe center
line mark to a diameter of at least 4 inches for
3 inch pipe, and at least 5 inches in diameter
for 4 inch pipe.
4. Install the Tee on the bottom of the vertical
pipe system and lower it down the chimney
until the center of the branch of the Tee is level
with the center of the hole in the masonry.
Connect horizontal pipe section to the Tee
5. Holding the pipe at the proper elevation,
install the Storm Collar and Cap, as described
in Step 11 for the fireplace installation.
6. Connect the horizontal Pipe Section through
the masonry to the Tee by pushing it through
the hole in the masonry, and lining it up with
the branch of the Tee. Then insert Pipe Section
into the Tee, while twisting to lock it.
7. Once the horizontal Pipe Section is in place,
the space between the pipe and the masonry
may be filled with high temperature grout, if
desired (Figure 27).
8. Install the Reduction Collar or Trim Collar
Figure 27
over rough opening, then 90° Elbow, and
the required vertical Pipe Sections down to
the appliance. An Adjustable Pipe length will
probably be needed, as well as an Appliance
Adapter or Increaser Adapter.
9. Conduct a final inspection of the entire job,
and review the manufacturer’s operating and
installation instructions once more, before
firing the appliance.
1. Mark a line on the side of the Cathedral
Ceiling Support Box to correspond to the line
of the roof pitch, as shown in (Figure 28).
Allow for the Support Box to protrude below
the low side of the finished ceiling a minimum
of 2 inches.
2. Position the appliance at its proper
location on the floor. Pay close attention to
the manufacturer’s installation instructions
regarding the clearance to combustibles, etc.
Position appliance so Support Box will not
interfere with roof rafters or other structural
3. Run a plumb line from the center of the flue
exit on the stove to the ceiling. Mark the point
on the ceiling where the plumb line intersects.
This represents the center of the support box.
Drill a small hole through the ceiling at this
point, so it can be located from the top of the
4. From the roof, locate and mark the outline of
the Support Box.
5. Remove shingles or other roof covering as
necessary to cut the rectangular hole for the
Support Box. Cut the hole 1/8-inch larger than
the dimensions of the Support Box (Figure
29). The rectangular hole should be centered
on the small hole which you drilled through the
ceiling to mark the location. Again, verify that
you are not cutting through rafters or framing