Kramer Electronics VS-81HDxl User Manual

Page 23

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Kramer Protocol 200030F



NOTE 13 - This is a request to identify the switcher/s in the system. If the OUTPUT is set as 0, and the INPUT is set as 1, 2,
5 or 7, the machine will send its name. The reply is the decimal value of the INPUT and OUTPUT. For example, for a 2216,
the reply to the request to send the audio machine name would be (HEX codes):




81 (i.e. 128dec+ 22dec for 2nd byte, and 128dec+ 16dec for 3rd byte).

If the request for identification is sent with the INPUT set as 3 or 4, the appropriate machine will send its software version
number. Again, the reply would be the decimal value of the INPUT and OUTPUT - the INPUT representing the number in
front of the decimal point, and the OUTPUT representing the number after it. For example, for version 3.5, the reply to the
request to send the version number would be (HEX codes):




81 (i.e. 128dec+ 3dec for 2nd byte, 128dec+ 5dec for 3rd byte).

If the OUTPUT is set as 1, then the ASCII coding of the lettering following the machine’s name is sent. For example, for the
VS-7588YC, the reply to the request to send the first suffix would be (HEX codes):




81 (i.e. 128dec+ ASCII for “Y”; 128dec+ ASCII for “C”).

NOTE 16 - The reply to the “REQUEST WHETHER PANEL IS LOCKED” is as in NOTE 4 above, except that here the
OUTPUT is assigned with the value 0 if the panel is unlocked, or 1 if it is locked.