Australian Monitor DMA1 User Manual
Page 9

PA G E 9
A M I S - D M A 1 I N S TA L L AT I O N & O P E R AT I O N M A N U A L
4.1 What is the confi guration fi le?
The DMA1 is a very versatile device which can be adapted to the needs
of the application in which it is used. Different applications may require
adjustment of volume, tone, loudness, communication parameters and tim-
ing. The confi guration fi le stored in the main directory of the fl ash memory,
together with the audio fi les, makes it possible to programme the various
parameters of the DMA1.
This fi le must be assigned the name confi g.txt (this extension has been used
so it can be modifi ed by any text editor, including PocketPC text editors).
4.2 Content of the confi guration fi le
Each line of the confi guration fi le consists of:
Mnemonic code of the parameter to be set. It always consists of
our CAPITAL alphanumeric characters, and must always be at the
beginning of the line. No more than one parameter is permitted on
the same line
Separating ‘=’ character. This MUST be inserted just after the
mnemonic code, without any spacing or tab characters
The relevant numerical parameter expressed as a decimal, to be
inserted directly after the separation character, without any spacing
or tab characters
Example: LMP3=14
4.3 How it is managed by the DMA1
At the time the DMA1 is turned on, or when the fl ash memory card is in-
serted, the DMA1 will start to read the main directory of the fl ash memory.
If the fi le confi g.txt is found, the DMA1 will store the confi guration param-
eters into its own internal non-volatile memory. The parameters therefore
stay in the internal memory of the DMA1 even after the device has been
turned off or the fl ash memory card removed. It is therefore not manda-
tory for the confi guration fi le to always be present on the fl ash memory
card. Once all the parameters have been read and stored to the DMA1, the
confi g.txt fi le can be deleted.
NOTE: If it is necessary to confi gure multiple DMA1s with the same
confi guration parameters, a single fl ash memory card with the
appropriate confi g.txt fi le can be prepared and sequentially insert
this memory card into all the DMA1s to be confi gured. The fi nal
fl ash memory cards to be inserted into each DMA1 now only need
to contain the MP3 audio fi les.
4.4 Preparing the fi le
Any ordinary text editor (like Windows Notebook) can be used to create the
confi g.txt fi le. The fi le must be saved as a pure text fi le (.txt). Should other
programmes be used (e.g. Microsoft Word) be careful to save the document
as “text only”: otherwise control characters would be inserted which would
make it impossible for the DMA1 to interpret the fi le.
4.5 Storing fi les in fl ash memory
The confi guration fi le and all the MP3 audio fi les can be stored to the fl ash
memory card via a special USB reader/writer for PC.