Australian Monitor DMA1 User Manual

Page 39

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S E R I A L R S 4 8 5 C O M U N I C AT I O N

PA G E 3 9

A M I S - D M A 1 I N S TA L L AT I O N & O P E R AT I O N M A N U A L



Failure to convert command code (CMD). It could contain characters which are outside the representation

of a hexadecimal value.

The permitted values are: ‘a’ .. ‘f’ ‘A’ …. ‘F’ ‘0’….’9’


Failure to convert the value contained in ‘DATA’ into a number. It could contain characters which are outside

the representation of a hexadecimal value.

The permitted values are: ‘a’ .. ‘f’ ‘A’ …. ‘F’ ‘0’….’9’


Failure to convert the CheckSum (CHK). It could contain characters which are outside the representation

of a hexadecimal value.

The permitted values are: ‘a’ .. ‘f’ ‘A’ …. ‘F’ ‘0’….’9’


CheckSum wrong


Reserved error


Wrong value in the parameter of the command SET_Volume. It could be more than the maximum permitted value


Wrong value in the parameter of the command SET_Treble. It could be more than the maximum permitted value


Wrong value in the parameter of the command SET_Bass. It could be more than the maximum permitted value


Wrong value in the parameter of the command SET_Loudness. It could be more than the maximum permitted value


The command PLAY cannot be processed because the fl ash memory is missing


The command PLAY (excluding PLAY File 2) cannot be processed because DMA1 is already playing. To solve

the problem, fi rst send the command STOP, or else use the command PLAY_File_2 which automatically stops

any fi le being played


The fi le requested via the command PLAY_File or PLAY_File_2 has not been found.

The four characters inserted as an argument for these commands must correspond exactly to the name of the fi le

intend to play, except for the extension.

E.g.: the command ENQ + 00501234 requires the playing of the fi le 1234.mp3 on DMA1 with address 00


Failure to play the requested fi le. The fi le could be corrupt

9.17 Error codes

The following table lists all the error codes which the DMA1 delivers

together with the NAK packet if problems are found.