Step 2 - side assembly, Step 3 - bottom assembly, Step 4 - top assembly – Edsal 7030 User Manual
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Assembly Instructions : Edsal 7030 Quick Assemble Storage Cabinet Page 3
Assembly Instructions : Edsal 7030 Quick Assemble Storage Cabinet Page 3
Assembly Instructions : Edsal 7030 Quick Assemble Storage Cabinet Page 3
Step 2 - Side Assembly
First step is to identify the right side panel and the left
side panel. Identify by taking one of the panels and
place the tab edge facing down. Notice the hinges are
now facing up. Now look at the top and bottom edges.
The top of the side has a notches on the flanges, and the
bottom has a bend inward (see figure 2). Place the cor-
responding side panel under the back assembly making
sure the tabs of the side panel ride into the rectangular
holes of the back assembly. Slide the parts together
making sure that the tabs and rectangular holes fully en-
gage (if properly completed, the side and back assembly
will be even at both ends. After assuring the correct side
is fastened to the back assembly and the tab engage-
ments are complete, tap tabs down with a rubber mallet
to tighten the engagement. Repeat the same process for
the opposite side panel.
Figure 2 - Side Assembly
Figure 3 - Bottom Assembly
Step 3 - Bottom Assembly
Install the bottom kick plate by inserting the channel into
both return flanges of the sides so that the notch of the
side panel engages into the square hole of the kick plate.
Bend the notched tabs on the bottom of both side panels
and on the inside return flange of the sides inward to
prevent the kick plate from moving out of position. (see
figure 3). Hold the bottom at an angle with the square
cutouts are located toward the back. Place the bottom to
the inside of the backs. The rear bend of the bottom will
slide into the flanges of the backs. Push the front of the
bottom down so that the side bends engage into the left
and right side panel flanges, and the front flange bend
wraps over the return flange of the kick plate (see figure
3). Carefully stand the unit upright, and tap down lightly
on the bottom to insure proper engagement.
Kick Plate
Back Flanges
Side Panel
Figure 4 - Top Assembly
Bottom Front Flange
(no cut-out’s)
Bottom of sides
has a notched
tab, bend tab up
after kick plate Is
Side Panel Return Flange Notch
Top Side Flange Extension
Side Panel Top Tabs
Back Panel Top Tabs
Side Panel
Return Flange
Side Return
Flange Notch
Top Side Flange
Square Hole
Kick Plate Square Hole
Side Top Flange Notches
Step 4 - Top Assembly
Position the top at an approximate 25 degree angle so
the top’s side flange extensions slide into the side panel
return flanges (see figure 4). After the flange exten-
sions are partially engaged, align the top’s inner brack-
ets with the top edges of the side and back panels. Tap
down lightly on the edges of the top with a rubber mallet
working from the front to the back making sure the side
and back panels start to engage into the inner brackets
of the top. After assuring all the panels are partially
engaged, evenly tap down on all edges of the top so
that the tabs of the back and side panels snap into the
square holes of the top’s inside brackets (see figure 4).
Sides have a
notched tab, bend
tab in after kick plate
Is Installed.