Pathway DMX QConnect Software for CR Manual User Manual
Page 25

DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide
Getting Familiar with DMXQConnect
As an alternative to the “drag and drop” style of patching, you can work in a
“Command Line” mode, without the mouse. Similar to many lighting control
consoles, in this mode the numeric keypad on your keyboard can be used to
assign stations to sources. TIP: You’ll find that the selecting the Detail view
for both Non-Connected and Connected panes will make this process easier.
With the mouse, click on the Command Line box at the bottom of the
workspace (if the Command Line box isn’t there, make sure it is checked in
the main menu under View). Make sure that your keyboard Num Lock is
enabled and the keyboard LED is illuminated. Patch information is entered by
using the numeric keypad to key in the station number followed by the [
] or
[@] key, then the source number followed by the [Enter] key. To clear the
Command Line for the next entry, press the [Delete] key on your keyboard. If
the Command Line is no longer highlighted, use the mouse to click on the
“eraser” button to the right of the Command Line to clear it. To patch several
stations to the same source, use the [+] as “and” or the [/] key as “thru”. For
example to patch stations 1, 3, 5, and 7 to source 1, key in:
1 + 3 + 5 + 7 * 1 [Enter]
Similarly to patch Stations 8 thru 15 to Source 2, key in:
8 / 15 * 2 [Enter]
Or you can mix it up to patch 1and 7 and 12 thru 15 to Source 3 by keying:
1 + 7 + 12 / 15 * 3 [Enter]
To protect yourself from an accidental loss of patch data, we suggest that you
make archive copies of your data. Select File from the main menu, followed
by Create Backup… Use the standard Windows 95 file management
conventions to specify where you want the data archived to. If you need to
restore a show from an archive, Use File, Restore From Backup… You will
be asked if you wish to make a backup of the existing data first since this
action will replace the current data with the backup copy. Note that this
process archives all show patches and configuration data.