Pathway DMX QConnect Software for CR Manual User Manual
Page 24

DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide
Getting Familiar with DMXQConnect
To see which stations are connected to a specific source, simply click on the
desired source in the Source pane. The Connected Stations display will
change to show you only the stations connected to that Source. To remind
you that you are only looking at the stations connected to a particular source, a
green “LED” appears beside the Source referenced.
You may wish to see all the Connected stations, not just those connected to a
single Source. If this is the case, right-click inside the Connected Stations
pane and select Show All. Then if you wish to see which source that station is
connected to, simply click on the desired station. The green “LED” will appear
beside the source that station is connected to. In Detail view, the associated
source number will appear in the last column.
Station information displayed in Detail View can be quickly re-sorted to display
the information in a manner relevant to your needs. Click on a column heading
to sort the table by the values in that column. Clicking on the same column
heading toggles the sort order between ascending and descending.
Provided that Windows 95 has been configured with your printer and it is
connected, printed reports detailing your patch data in an organized format can
be obtained from DMXQConnect. Reports can be useful backup and
documentation tools, as well as great designer’s reference. In addition, reports
can be exported to a variety of formats including Lotus, Excel and Word, for
incorporation into other documents.
To view a report, select Report, Connected Stations by Source from the
main menu. This will generate the actual report and open the Reports
Maximize the report window so that it fills the screen. If the report form looks
empty, you probably don’t have any stations patched. Close the report window
and patch a few stations before re-opening report. Controls for the report
display appear along the bottom of the window.