Pathway DMX QConnect Software for CR Manual User Manual
Page 21

DMXQConnect for CR - User Guide
Getting Familiar with DMXQConnect
erase all information contained in the Show Specific tab so that the Default
values will be used again. Remember that Show Specific values take
precedence over Default values.
When back in the main working screen, select a Connected or Non-Connected
Station by clicking once on it. Then enter 1234 in the Device # box in the
Station Detail pane at the top of the screen. Notice that the Address box now
displays 210, and the Universe box shows 3. What good are these figures?
Let's say you have a color scroller that you want your console to control on
channel #1234. How do you set the scroller's address switches when they
have a maximum allowable range of 1 to 512? DMXQConnect has saved you
the trouble of using mental math or carrying a calculator to figure out the real
address for the scroller, and which console port it will connect to.