Installation instructions – AZEK Pavers User Manual
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Installation Instructions -
The final steps to finish up the installation are a combination of tamping and
sanding the pavers. This will even out small undulations and lock the pavers
into place.
Tamp (Compact) Pavers:
Prior to sanding the pavers, use a vibratory plate compactor or a hand
tamper to work the pavers into the sand bed. This will typically cause the
pavers to sink approximately 1/4" into the bedding sand and will reduce
small undulations.
• A vibratory plate compactor will take one to two passes in both directions.
• A hand tamper will require several strikes in each location.
• Move around as you strike the pavers and make several passes.
• The high undulated areas can be further tamped to even the surface.
Sweep in Joint Sand and Tamp Pavers:
The same sand used for the sand bed can be used for the joint fill. This is
a clean, sharp and well-graded coarse sand. Do not use overly fine sands;
coarse sand will perform better. The standard specification for joint sand is
ASTM C 33.
• Start by spreading the sand across the pavers with a shovel.
• Allow the sand to dry completely; this will make it easier to get into the
• Use a broom to spread the sand across the joints, sweeping in all
• Continue to spread and sweep the sand while tamping the pavers.
• This can be done with a hand tamper or plate compactor.
• When the joints appear to be filled to the desired level, sweep the
installation clean of any remaining sand or dust.
• The pavers will return to their original color once the pavers have been
cleaned by rain.
• Additional joint sand applications may be necessary after rain or settling
of the joint sand occurs.
Review the surface after tamping for any imperfections. If any are found, lift up the pavers
and grid and either add or remove sand to make it level. Re-tamp the pavers after the
imperfections have been removed.
Do not use polymeric sand with the AZEK Paver system. As the system expands and
contracts it may cause the polymeric sands to break away from the edges of the pavers.