Installation instructions, Non-permeable landscape – AZEK Pavers User Manual

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Installation Instructions -



To install the necessary base material, the existing ground material must
be taken out. To calculate how deep to excavate, add up these layers:

Excavation Depth = Base Material Thickness + Sand Bed Thickness +
2.38" (Pavers) - 1/4"

Once the excavation depth is known:

• Excavate site to the appropriate depth.

• Try not to disturb the subgrade beneath the required depth.

• The subtraction of 1/4" leaves room for compaction that occurs during

the final tamping.

• Level and compact the subgrade to a 95% proctor density (ASTM D 698)

• Always have the compaction formally tested to ensure it meets the

required standards.

The base material needs to be compacted every 2" as it is spread out. This
will reduce any chance of the base material settling over time making the
installation uneven.

Additional resources for base design can be found at:
ICPI Project Drawings (
It is very important to slope the base in the direction that water is
preferred to go. The typical slope is approximately 1 inch over 6 feet.
Sand Bed:
A layer of bedding sand is spread out on top of the compacted base
material. This layer should be a maximum of 3/4" to 1". This will create a
workable surface for the pavers to be installed upon and will make it easier
to make the installation even.

• Use coarse sand that is washed and conforms to ASTM C 33.

• Do not use mason sand, stone dust, or sands with excess fine particles.



These are general guidelines only and all base requirements vary by soil conditions,
weather conditions, and other site-specific conditions. Areas that see freeze-thaw cycles or
have wet, clay or silt type subgrades generally require a deeper base. Consult a landscape
professional for more customized base recommendations.

Patios, Walkways, Plazas, Other Foot Traffic

4 to 6 inches

Driveways, Other Light Traffic

6 to 12 inches

Parking Lots, Fire Lanes, Other Heavy Traffic

Consult Landscape Professional