Pulsafeeder Pulsa Series 200-680C User Manual

Page 3

background image


Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Figure 6.

Figure 2.

Figure 5.

Any leakage past the plunger,

Any excess pressure buildup

Pressure Relief Valve

however slight, is replaced by

within the hydraulic chamber

the make-up valve which

or reagent head due to

A separate process relief

permits flow of replacement

accidental valve closure or

valve should be installed in

oil from the oil reservoir.

line stoppage is relieved

the process piping to protect

Replacement is automatic

through the automatic

piping and sensitive process

because the oil loss allows

hydraulic bypass valve. It


the diaphragm to get out of

blows off oil under excess

phase with the plunger thus

pressure ahead of the plunger

Plastic Reagent Head

creating a vacuum ahead of

back into the oil reservoir thus

3/8" Dia. Piston Design

the plunger during the suction

terminating the pumping

stroke of the pump. The

action and protecting the

make-up valves are factory

pump mechanism. Hydraulic


bypass valves are factory set
at full design pressure unless
specified differently by