Uninstalling (removing) the software – Sony NAS-CZ1 User Manual

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Uninstalling (Removing) the Software

If you w ant to remove the softw are from your system, follow the uninstall procedure described below .


Stop the s e rvice from the tas k tray icon.

Right-click the task tray icon, then click [Stop Music Service] in the menu.

The task tray icon display becomes darken.


Hide the tas k tray icon.

Right-click the task tray icon, then click [Hide task tray icon] in the menu.

The task tray icon display disappears.


Whe n Window s XP is in Clas s ic Vie w , s w itch to Cate gory Vie w , the n click [Start] [Control M e nu] [Add or Re m ove Program s ] in that
orde r.


Se le ct [M -cre w Se rve r], and click [Change /Re m ove ].


Se le ct [M cre w M us ic Se rve r], and click [Change /Re m ove ].


Re boot the com pute r.


Even if M-crew Server is uninstalled, the Database and the files that they contain are not deleted from the folder in w hich M-crew Server w as installed (default
folder: C:\Program Files\Mcrew server).

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