Compatibility with other company products, Compatibility w ith other company products – Sony PCWA-A500 User Manual

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Compatibility with other company products

Are the re cards from othe r m anufacture rs that have conne ction e xpe rie nce w ith an Acce s s Point?

At this point in time, w e do not know .
Basically, it is possible to connect if the card conforms to IEEE802.11b. How ever, w e do not cannot assure operation.

Is it pos s ible to conne ct to an Airport bas e s tation?

Although this company cannot assure operation, since the Airport product conforms to IEEE802.11b, connection should be possible.
How ever, w ith regard to sharing files and printers, because the OS itself is different, w e think you may need to install a special application.
The same problem exists w hen connecting to a normal Ethernet.
Also, w e w ould like to decline any questions regarding that.


Currently, (November, 2000), w e cannot assure connection w ith the Encryption Key ON.

Is it pos s ible to conne ct an iBook to the Acce s s Point?

It is possible, though w e do not guarantee its operation.
In this case, it is possible to access the Internet via the Access Point, (excluding w hen using the Local mode), but w ith regard to sharing files and
printers, because the OS itself is different, w e think you may need to install a special application.
Also, because of the difference in the method used to set each Access Point, it has been confirmed that it is not possible to set the Access Point from
an iBook.
Also, w e w ould like to decline any questions regarding that.

I w ant to control the dialup from m y iBook .

Control of connecting and disconnecting the dial up is performed by the Wireless Palette.
Therefore, it is not possible to control from an iBook.

Will it conne ct to the AirStation m ade by M e lco?

We believe that it is possible to connect, though w e do not guarantee operation.
In this case, it is considered that computers installed w ith this system's Wireless LAN PC Card can access a w ireless/cable netw ork that is configured
w ith AirStation.
Regarding accessing of the Internet or the sharing of files and printers, it is considered possible depending on the settings of the AirStation. If the
AirStation is set once using the Melco softw are, it is possible to set the AirStation using a brow ser even from a computer that is installed w ith this
system's Wireless LAN PC Card.
Also, w e w ould like to decline any questions regarding that.


The AirStation is set to 14 w ith the default settings of the Wireless channel. When using it, change the AirStation channel settings from 1 to 11 using a
computer that can set the AirStation.

The nam e of the PC is not dis playe d on the Wire le s s Pale tte but anothe r com pany's card that I us e conform s to IEEE802.11b.

When using another company's card, the guarantee of operations may not match. Use the dedicated PCWA-C100 Wireless LAN PC Card.

Curre ntly, the follow ing ISDN Route rs have e xpe rie nce in conne ction.

NTT-ME MN128-SOHO Slotin, MN128-SOHO, MN128-R

YAMAHA Net Volante TA/Remote Router RTA50i

Furukaw a Electric MUCHO-TL-DSU

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