General overview of the wireless palette – Sony PCWA-A500 User Manual

Page 44

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General overview of the Wireless Palette

The nam e of the s am e Acce s s Point dis playe d on the Wire le s s Pale tte varie s de pe nding on the com pute r.

The Wireless Palette displays the nickname that each user assigned w hen registering the Access Point using the Wireless Palette. Therefore, the
nickname of a single Access Point varies depending on the user.

The Wire le s s Pale tte s till s how s the pre vious com pute r nam e afte r change .

The Access Point has not yet recognized the new computer name. Click the Nickname of the Access Point to connect in the Tool Box w indow of the
Wireless Palette and click Select. If the correct information is displayed, click OK.

The conne ction m ode w as change d but the IP Addre s s on the Wire le s s Pale tte is not dis playe d.

It takes approximately one minute for the display to be refreshed.

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