Setting mode-dependent parameters, Se tting m ode -de pe nde nt param e te rs, To s – Sony PCWA-A500 User Manual

Page 13: And to

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Setting mode-dependent parameters

Select a destination to specify the connection mode you w ant to use, then specify parameters specific to the connection mode of your choice.

Select a destination from Connection Mode and click NEXT. The w indow that appears depends on your selection.

Select this option to connect the Access Point to the telephone line.
For further steps, proceed to

Setting up dial-up connection


Cable Modem (Router Mode)

Select this option to connect the Access Point to the cable or xDSL modem.
For further steps, proceed to

Setting up cable connection


LAN (Bridge Mode)

Select this option to connect the Access Point to the ISDN router. This mode is also recommended for connecting the Access Point to the existing LAN,
such as the corporate LAN. Consult your netw ork administrator to identify the correct connection mode.
For further information on the operation, proceed to

Setting up ISDN connection


Local Only

Select this option for standalone use of the Access Point, w hen you do not w ant to connect it to any external w ired netw ork such as the Internet.
For further information, proceed to

Setting up local connection


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