Setting up dial-up connection – Sony PCWA-A500 User Manual
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Setting up dial-up connection
Selecting Phone for Connection Mode in
Setting mode-dependent parameters
displays the Enter Phone Connection Parameters dialog box.
In the Phone mode, the Access Point serves as the DHCP server for both Ethernet and w ireless netw orks.
Never connect the Access Point in the Phone mode to any existing Ethernet netw ork w ith the DHCP server.
Consult w ith your netw ork administrator before connecting the Access Point to the existing Ethernet netw ork.
Click the Dialup Se tup tab.
This dialog box is for assigning functions to the Access Point for dialing up the ISP.
Account ID
Enter the account ID for connecting to the ISP.
Passw ord
Enter the passw ord for connecting to the ISP.
Passw ord (re-enter)
Enter the passw ord for connecting to the ISP once again.
Phone Number 1
Enter the telephone number of the ISP.
Phone Number 2
Enter the alternate telephone number to use w hen a call to Phone Number 1 is not completed.
(This item does not necessarily need to be entered.)
DNS Server 1
Enter the primary DNS server address if the ISP provides it.
DNS Server 2
Enter the secondary DNS server address if the ISP provides it.
Dialing Mode
Specify the telephone line type. Select Tone or Pulse.
Hangup After
Enter the length of time you w ant to allow for inactive communication before hanging up. You may specify up to 2550 seconds (42 minutes and 30
seconds) in units of 10 seconds. The factory default setting is 120 seconds (2 minutes).
Automatic Connection
Check this option to configure the Access Point to automatically make a dial-up attempt w hen connection to the Internet is needed.
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