Other information – Sony PCWA-A500 User Manual

Page 46

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Other information

Unde r w hat circum s tance s do I ne e d to change the w ire le s s channe l that the Acce s s Point us e s ?

If the communication rate is very slow , there may be another active Access Point, an active third-party w ireless access point, or an active w ireless
station nearby, causing radio interference. Changing the w ireless channel reduces the radio interference and improves the communication rate.

The condition of the conne ction on the cable Ethe rne t s ide has w ors e ne d s ince the PCWA-A100 Wire le s s LAN Acce s s Point w as conne cte d
to m y LAN. I cannot acce s s the Inte rne t.

Check the Access Point configuration for the connection mode. Phone or Local Only mode may be assigned. When using the Phone or Local Only
connection modes, the Access Point serves as the DHCP server for the Ethernet LAN and assigns IP addresses from to to client
computers by default.
Change to Cable Modem or LAN connection mode.

M y Acce s s Point is conne cte d in the Cable M ode m m ode to the Ethe rne t LAN. File and printe r s haring is available on the w ire le s s
ne tw ork but I cannot acce s s a com pute r or printe r on the Ethe rne t LAN.

In the Cable Modem mode, the LAN Access Point serves as a NAT router betw een the Ethernet and w ireless netw orks, w hich does not allow file
sharing and access beyond either netw ork.
The ISDN Router mode is recommended if the Access Point is connected to the Ethernet LAN environment such as a corporate netw ork.

I cannot control the dial-up conne ction from a com pute r on the Ethe rne t ne tw ork .

Not supported.

I w ant to conne ct to m ultiple Acce s s Points .

You can register up to four Access Point connection settings w ith the Wireless Palette. This w ay, you can sw itch connection from one PCWA-A100
Wireless LAN Access Point to another w ithout being troubled w ith reconfiguration each time you change the destination. How ever, you cannot connect
simultaneously to multiple Access Points.

I w ant to conne ct m ore than 16 clie nts to the Acce s s Point.

Reset the number of clients to connect using the Custom Access Point Setup Utility.
You can set up to a maximum of 49 clients, but w e recommend 16. As the number of clients increases, the accessing speed generally decreases.

Is the re a function for com m unication be tw e e n tw o Acce s s Points ?

You cannot communicate betw een Access Points.

Why is it not pos s ible to conne ct e ve n though it is w ithin 100 m (330 fe e t)?

Be aw are that there are differences in the distances that electric w aves w ill reach their target depending on the location of the setup and the
surrounding conditions.
Generally, the ultimate distance w ill decrease if there are metallic w alls in the area because of the random reflecting of the electric w aves.

It is not pos s ible to dialup from othe r com pute rs on the Ethe rne t conne ction.

This cannot be handled.

Whe n in the te le phone line conne ction m ode , I cannot conne ct to the Inte rne t w ith a baud rate of 56Kbps .

56Kbps is the maximum baud rate.
Depending on the telephone line, the baud rate may not be as much as 56Kbps.

Can I us e it w ith Blue tooth?

The Wireless LAN that conforms to IEEE802.11b, has a shock recovery function similar to that of the normal Ethernet.
In contrasts, Bluetooth does not have such a function mounted.
Therefore, if you use both products close together, the product that conforms to IEEE802.11b w ill possibly monopolize the bandw idth.
To avoid such an occurrence, separate the tw o products for use.

Doe s this corre s pond to call-back ?

Currently, it does not correspond.

Is it pos s ible to conne ct to the Window s NT RAS s e rve r?


Is the re an e ncryption function?

This supports the 40-bit encryption function that conforms to IEEE802.11.

Is it dange rous to us e this ne ar a m icrow ave ove n?

No, it is not dangerous.
Microw ave ovens also, like the Wireless LAN products that conform to IEEE802.11b, operate w ith a frequency band of 2.4 GHz.
For that reason, if you use it near a microw ave oven, the baud rate w ill decrease if you use a microw ave oven radar at the same time.
This can be said of all products that conform to IEEE802.11b.

Data trans m is s ion s pe e d is s low .

Is there any Wireless LAN Access Point (including other company products) being used near the Access Point? If so, it is possible that they are
interfering w ith each other.
Set the w ireless channel using the Access Point Setup Utility.

Is the Access Point being accessed by several clients at the same time?
Try again after w aiting for less crow ded conditions.

Is it pos s ible to roam ?

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