The setup process – Sony PCWA-A500 User Manual

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The setup process

The setup process w ill vary depending on the w hether or not your Access Point and Wireless LAN PC Card have been used. Refer to the Wireless LAN PC Card
Operating Instructions for details.


Using an Access Point Setup Utility prior to version 2.0.1 to set to an Access Point w hose firmw are version is later than 3.7 and w ill result in abnormal operation.
Before using your existing Access Point Setup Utility, confirm the Access Point Setup Utility version and the Access Point firmw are version to update them as


for details on checking and updating the version.

Flow of settings

If the Access Point has not been used:

Conne ct the Acce s s Point to a pow e r s ource .
Refer to the Wireless LAN Access Point Operating Instructions for details.

If the Wireless LAN PC Card has not been used:


Ins e rt the Wire le s s LAN PC Card into your com pute r.


Ins tall the Wire le s s LAN PC Card drive r.


If you are using a computer that has multiple Ethernet interfaces, you must stop using an Ethernet interface other than the Wireless LAN PC Card.
Refer to

When using a computer that has an Ethernet interface other than the Wireless LAN PC Card

for details.


Se tup the Window s -bas e d e nvironm e nt.

Refer to the Wireless LAN PC Card Operating Instructions for details.


Ins tall the acce s s ory s oftw are .

Refer to the Wireless LAN Access Point Operating Instructions for details.

Register the Access Point to the Wireless Palette for each computer connected to the Wireless LAN.
Refer to the Wireless LAN PC Card Operating Instructions for details.

Make the settings for the Access Point using the Basic Access Point Setup Utility.
Refer to the Wireless LAN PC Card Operating Instructions for details.


You can make detailed settings for the Access Point if you use the Custom Access Point Setup Utility.

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