Sony PCWA-A500 User Manual
Page 22

The configuration you have made is registered in the Access Point.
If an error message appears, re-enter the correct data.
Whe n the Wire le s s Acce s s Point Se tup - Finis h Scre e n appe ars , w ait about 30 s e conds .
The link test is disabled for 30 seconds after the configuration is uploaded because the Access Point is automatically restarted.
You may start the link test w hen the Pow er indicator on the Access Point turns green.
The link test betw een the Access Point and the client is performed using your new configuration.
Click FINISH w he n the m e s s age "Link e s tablis he d w ith Acce s s Point" is dis playe d.
The Custom Setup Utility closes.
If an error message is displayed, open the Custom Setup Utility and check the configuration.
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