Functions of the cable modem mode – Sony PCWA-A500 User Manual
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Functions of the Cable Modem mode
This is the default connection mode for the Access Point. The Access Point's Ethernet and Wireless interfaces are enabled, but the V.90 modem is disabled.
Ethe rne t: DHCP Clie nt/Static IP Se tting
You can select either to automatically acquire the interface IP (DHCP client) or set to the static setting using the Custom Access Point Setup Utility.
Wire le s s : DHCP Se rve r
The Access Point acts as the DHCP server on the Wireless netw ork. The ex-factory setting for the w ireless IP address is The range of IP
addresses allocated to the clients are to (for 16 clients). These can be changed using the Custom Access Point Setup Utility.
The Cable Modem mode is the safest to connect the Access Point to an existing LAN, such as in your office. The reasons are below .
The Access Point does not act as the DHCP server for the Ethernet (meaning that it does not cause a conflict even if there is a DHCP server on the existing
Regardless of the status of the upstream interface (Ethernet interface), the IP address can be allocated according to the DHCP server function for the
w ireless client computers, so the connection betw een the w ireless interface and w ireless client computer can be established.
Functions be tw e e n e ach inte rface
Ethe rne t - Wire le s s :
The Access Point functions as a NAT router. Therefore, it is possible to share files and printers betw een the Ethernet and w ireless netw ork sides. Also, it
is possible to access the Ethernet side from the w ireless netw ork, but conversely, it is not possible to access the w ireless netw ork from the Ethernet side.
Ethe rne t cable s that can be us e d
This depends on the type of cable mode you are using. Use the same type of cable that is connected betw een the cable modem and the computer. For details,
refer to your cable modem User's Manual.
Sharing files and printers
The Access Point functions as a NAT router betw een the Ethernet side and the Wireless side w hen connecting w ith the Cable Modem mode. Therefore, it is not
possible to share files or to access betw een the Ethernet and Wireless sides.
In this w ay, w hen using in a LAN environment, such as an in-house netw ork, w e recommend that you use LAN mode. Refer
for details.
Checking the MAC address on the Ethernet side
You can check using the follow ing method.
Right-click the Wire le s s Pale tte icon in the s tatus are of the tas k bar.
Click Ve rs ion from the m e nu that is dis playe d, the n confirm the num be rs that are dis playe d for Wire le s s Acce s s Point Ethe rne t
Addre s s .
Precautions when using a network-based game
Currently, w e have not confirmed the operation of softw are for netw ork-based games or chat.
When connecting w ith the Cable Modem mode, the Access Point functions as a NAT router betw een the Ethernet and Wireless sides, so w e believe that softw are
such as netw ork-based games or chat cannot establish communications betw een themselves.
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