Sony PCWA-A500 User Manual

Page 43

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Has the WEP Key (Encryption Key) been changed? Refer


for detailed explanations.

Perform the follow ing if the sw itch fails despite the Access Point operating normally.


Se le ct the Acce s s Point again w ith the Wire le s s Pale tte and click OK.


Confirm w he the r or not it s w itche s .
If sw itching still continues to fail, either perform the above operations again or return it to w here it originally w as and try to reconnect to that
Access Point.

Othe r com pute rs that are conne cte d to the s am e LAN ope rate poorly afte r conne cting the Acce s s Point.

Sym ptom
There are cases in w hich it is not possible for a client computer that is connected to the same LAN to connect to the Internet after starting to use the
Access Point previously connected to a LAN.
Is the DHCP server operating on the LAN? Also, check the connection settings for the Wireless LAN Access Point. Is it set to Phone mode or to Local
Only mode?

Regarding these modes, the Access Point functions as the DHCP server for the Ethernet side and in the default settings, the IP addresses from
to are assigned to the clients. For that reason, the follow ing connections exist.


The Access Point responds to the client PC IP address request before responding to the LAN's regular DHCP server.


If the IP address assigned by the Access Point does not match the LAN IP address, that client does not exist on the LAN.

Therefore, it is not possible for the client to check their mail or to access the Internet.

When connecting the Access Point to the company's existing LAN line, refer


for details.

In the meantime, you can remove the Access Point from the LAN and re-acquire the client computer's IP address. Refer


for details on how to

acquire the IP address.

Changing the IP addre s s s e tting of the Acce s s Point dis able d com m unications from the com pute r.

The IP address may not match the Access Point and the computer. Try either of the follow ing:


Re -s e le ct the Acce s s Point in the Tool Box w indow of the Wire le s s Pale tte .


Re s tart the com pute r.


Re m ove and re -ins e rt the Wire le s s LAN PC Card.


Follow the s te ps be low to re le as e and re -obtain the IP addre s s running w inipcfg (or ipconfig).

For Windows 98 Second Edition / Windows Me


Se le ct Run from the Start m e nu and type "w inipcfg".


Click OK.


Se le ct Sony PCWA-C100 Wire le s s Card.


Click Re le as e .


Click Re ne w , the n che ck if the re -obtaine d IP addre s s is s uitable for your ne tw ork e nvironm e nt.

For Windows 2000


From the Start m e nu, s e le ct Program s , Acce s s orie s , the n Com m and Prom pt.


Type "ipconfig /re le as e " and pre s s the Ente r k e y.


Type "ipconfig /re ne w " and pre s s the Ente r k e y.

This re-obtains the IP address.


Type "ipconfig /all", the n che ck if the IP addre s s obtaine d is s uitable for your ne tw ork e nvironm e nt.

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