American Power Conversion VS 50 User Manual
Page 39

Magnum VS –48 Vdc User Manual
Page 39
settings in BOLD)
Output Relay 1 Alias
Output Relay 6 Alias
An alternate name (alias) can be
assigned to Output Relay 1 if desired.
An alternate name (alias) can be
assigned to Output Relay 6 if desired.
Output Relay 1
Output Relay 6
Output Relay 1 Delay
Output Relay 6 Delay
Delay between sensing of the alarm
condition and activation of the mapped
relay. An alarm condition must exist for
longer than the delay to be activated.
0.00 seconds – 600.00
seconds, 0.00 seconds
Rectifier 1-of-N Alarm
[Power Modules/Rectifiers]
Defines the output relay that is energized
if Rectifier Fail 1-of-N alarm occurs. This
is a special rectifier alarm group that
signifies that one rectifier has at least
one alarm condition.
Ignore, Minor, Major
Output Relay 1-6
Rectifier 2-of-N Alarm
[Power Modules/Rectifiers]
Defines the output relay that is energized
if Rectifier Fail 2-of-N alarm occurs This
is a special rectifier alarm group that
signifies that more than one rectifier has
at least one alarm condition.
Ignore, Minor, Major
Output Relay 1-6
Rectifier Configuration Alarm
[Power Modules/Rectifiers]
Defines the output relay that is that is
energized a rectifier is added to any
empty slot after the dc system is
powered up or configured. This feature
is supported by the standard SNMP card
monitor, but is not supported by this dc
Ignore, Minor, Major
Output Relay 1-6, n of N
Rectifier Current Limit Alarm
[Power Modules/Rectifiers]
Defines the output relay that is energized
or special rectifier alarm group n of N that
occurs when a rectifier has been forced
into the current limited mode.
Ignore, Minor, Major
Output Relay 1-6, n of N
Rectifier Current Output Status
{Status Only}
[Power Modules/Rectifiers]
A display of the dc output current for the
individual rectifier.
Status Only
Rectifier Description
{Status Only}
[Power Modules/Rectifiers]
Displays the model number of the
installed rectifier.
Status Only
Rectifier Diagnostic Alarm
[Power Modules/Rectifiers]
This feature is not needed in this
particular configuration.
Ignore, Minor, Major
Output Relay 1-6, n of N
Rectifier Fan Fail Alarm
[Power Modules/Rectifiers]
Defines the output relay that is energized
or special rectifier alarm group n of N that
occurs when a rectifier fan has failed.
Ignore, Minor, Major
Output Relay 1-6, n of N
Rectifier Fan Fail Alarm Status
{Status Only}
[Power Modules/Rectifiers]
The status will be “ON” if the rectifier fan
has failed.
Status Only