Icseq - set inside call sequence, Idial - dial intercom, Inclu - dial inclusion – Avaya 5420 + EU24 User Manual

Page 42: Intru - call intrude, Listn - call listen, Login - extn login

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Page 42 - Function Key Programming

Function Keys

Page 42 - Function Keys

IP Office 5420 + EU24 User’s Guide

Function Key Programming

40DHB0002UKEG – Issue 4 (9th February 2004)

ICSeq - Set Inside Call Sequence

Sets the ringing pattern (sequence) used for internal calls.
This function is currently not supported on the 5420 telephone.

IDial - Dial Intercom

The same as IAuto - Automatic Intercom on page 41. This function cannot be
programmed through the phone by the user.

[User | Digital Telephony | Emulation | Dial Intercom]

Inclu - Dial Inclusion

Intrudes on a call in progress at the target extension.
This function is currently not supported on the 5420 telephone.

Intru - Call Intrude

Intrudes on a call in progress at the target extension, creating a conference between
the callers and the intruding extension.
This function requires entry of the target extension number when programmed. The

Intru key shows the target extension number. This function cannot be programmed
through the phone by the user.

Intru intrudes on the call in progress.

Note: That the System Administrator must configure the intruding extension as being

able to intrude. Additionally none of the other extensions involved in the call can
have "Cannot be intruded on" status.

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Call | Call Intrude]

Listn - Call Listen

Allow the extension to listen to groups calls to the target extension. The call parties
cannot hear the listening extension.
This function requires entry of the target extension number when programmed. This
function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.

Listn key shows the target extension number.

Use of this function requires setup of the extension's monitor group by the System
Administrator. This function requires the telephone system to have some free
conference capacity when invoked.

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Call | Call Listen]

See also:

Intru - Call Intrude on page 42.

Recor - Call Record on page 50.

Steal - Call Steal on page 50.

Login - Extn Login

Logs the current user onto the extension.
This function does not require any data to be entered when programmed. The user
cannot program this function through the phone. Pressing the soft key login prompts
the user Enter Extn:. The user enters the desired extension and presses the soft
function key Next. The user is prompted for the password. The user enters the
password and presses the soft function key “Done.”

[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Extn | Extn Login]