Error message – elektraLite MY 250I User Manual

Page 22

background image


Channel 13 – Lamp on/off, reset, internal


color change normal by direction depend on distance


color change to any position by direction depend on distance

40-59 Lamp



Lamp switch off

80-99 Motor



Internal program 1


Internal program 2


Internal program 3


Internal program 4


Internal program 5


Internal program 6


Internal program 7


Internal program 8

Channel 14 – Pan fine

Channel 15 – Tilt fine


When you turn on the fixture, it will reset first. The display may show “Xer” while there are problems with one or
more channels. “XX” stands for channel 1,2,3,5,6,7 which has the testing sensor for positioning .
So, for example, when the display shows “02Er”, it means there is some error in channel 2. If there are errors
on channel 1, channel 2, channel 5 at the same time, you will see the error message “01Er”, “02Er”,”05Er” flash
repeated for 5 times. Then the fixture will generate a reset signal to all the stepper motors. If the error message
remains after performing reset more than 3 times, it will detect whether the fixture has more than 3 errors.


Color wheel error. This message will appear after resetting

MY 250Ì and the magnetic-indexing circuit

malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepper motor is defective (or it could be the drive circuit
on the main circuit board). Normally after a reset, the color wheel will go to its default position.


Rotating gobo wheel error. This message will appear after resetting

MY 250Ì and the magnetic-indexing circuit

malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepper motor is defective (or it could be the drive circuit
on the main circuit board). Normally after a reset, the rotating gobo wheel will go to its default position.


Rotating gobo indexing error. This message will appear after resetting

MY 250Ì and the magnetic-indexing

circuit malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepper motor is defective (or it could be the drive
circuit on the main circuit board). Normally after a reset, the rotating gobo will go to its default position.


Fixed gobo wheel error. This message will appear after resetting

MY 250Ì and the magnetic-indexing circuit

malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepper motor is defective (or it could be the drive circuit
on the main circuit board). Normally after a reset, the fixed gobo wheel will go to its default position


Pan movement error. This message will appear after resetting

MY 250Ì and the yoke’s magnetic-indexing

circuit malfunctions (sensor failed or magnet missing) or the stepper motor is defective (or it could be the drive
IC on the main circuit board). Normally after a reset, the yoke will go to its default position.