Nikon 4500 User Manual

Page 70

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Beyond Point-and-Shoot—Focus Mode

Focus and Exposure Lock

Once the camera has focused, focus and exposure will remain locked while
the shutter-release button is pressed halfway . This can be used to change the
composition after focusing on your subject, or to focus on another object at
the same distance and recompose your picture with your subject in the frame.

Autoexposure Lock

Pressing the shutter-release button halfway locks
exposure as well as focus. To use spot or center-
weighted metering to meter a subject that is not
in the center of the frame, compose your photo-
graph with the subject in the metered area, then
press the shutter-release button halfway to lock focus and exposure. Recom-
pose your photograph and press the shutter-release button the rest of the
way down to shoot. If the Controls: AE-L, AF-L option in the setup menu is
set to AE-L (

124), exposure can be locked without locking focus by press-

ing the center of the multi selector while the shutter-release button is pressed
halfway. Exposure will remain locked as long as the multi selector is held in
this position, even if you remove your finger from the shutter-release button.
AE-L indicator in monitor turns white when exposure lock is in effect.

Press shutter-release but-
ton halfway. Autofocus
lamp (green) next to view-
finder lights when camera
has focused.


Keeping shutter-release button

pressed halfway, recompose picture.

Do not change distance to subject

while focus lock is in effect.



Smoothly press shutter-
release button all the
way down to take pic-