Nikon D200 User Manual
Page 77
Non-CPU Lenses
If the maximum aperture of the lens has been specifi ed using the Non-CPU Lens Data
item in shooting menu (
93) when a non-CPU lens is attached, the current f/-number will
be displayed in the control panel and viewfi nder, rounded
to the nearest full stop. Otherwise the aperture displays
will show only the number of stops (
, with maximum ap-
erture displayed as
) and the f/-number must be read
from the lens aperture ring.
Exposure Warning
If the camera is unable to produce the correct exposure at the selected aperture, the elec-
tronic analog exposure display (
69) in the viewfi nder will show the amount of un der- or
over-exposure and one of the fol low ing in di ca tors will be dis played in the con trol panel
and viewfi nder shutter-speed displays:
Subject too bright. Choose smaller aperture (larger f/-number) or ISO sensitivity (
33), or use
optional Neutral Density (ND) fi lter.
Subject too dark. Choose larger aperture (smaller f/-number) or higher ISO sensitivity (
or use optional Speedlight.
b3—EV Step (
This option controls whether changes to shutter speed and aperture are made in in cre -
ments equiv a lent to / EV (the default setting), / EV, or 1 EV.
f5—Command Dials (
Command Dials > Change Main / Sub and Command Dials > Aperture Setting con-
trol whether aperture is assigned with the main command dial, the sub-command dial, or
the lens aperture ring. Regardless of the settings chosen, the sub-command dial is always
used with type G lenses, the lens aperture ring with non-CPU lenses.