Spektrum SPMAR6410 User Manual
Page 12

Mode 1
Mode 2
To Change Channel 5 to X-port or X-port to Channel 5
When X-Port is active, CH5 and CH6 are not available; however, reversed aileron
(CH2) is still available.
Sticks must be held in this position while the transmitter is on and the
receiver is off.
1. Ensure a successful bind was completed
2. Plug the X-Port accessory or the optional servo into the X-Port/CH5
3. Turn the transmitter on
4. Move the THRO stick to the full throttle position
5. Move Control sticks to the corresponding position to change between the
available options. (see illustration)
6. While holding this position, plug the battery into the receiver; power on receiver
7. The LED on the receiver will go solid and within 5 seconds, the LED will flash 3
times quickly, indicating the option is now changed
8. Disconnect battery from receiver
9. Turn transmitter off
Mode 1
Mode 2
Transmitter Specific Binding Instructions
1. To bind the AR6410/AR6410L to the transmitter, plug the battery into the
receiver. The LED on the receiver will begin flashing.
2. Move the sticks and switches on the transmitter to the desired failsafe positions
(low throttle and neutral control positions).
3. DX5e: Pull and hold the Trainer Switch on the transmitter while turning the
transmitter on. Release the trainer switch once the LEDs on the front of the
transmitter flash.
DX6i: Pull and hold the Trainer Switch on the transmitter while turning the
transmitter on. Release the trainer switch once the word BIND flashes on the
LCD screen on the front of the transmitter.
1. Full THRO
2. Right RUDD
1. Full THRO
2. Left RUDD