Spektrum SPMAR6100E User Manual
Spektrum Accessories communication

Important: Y-Harnesses and Servo Extensions
When using a Y-harness or servo extensions in your installation, it’s important to use standard non-
amplified Y-harnesses and servo extensions as this can/will cause the servos to operate erratically
or not function at all. Amplified Y-harnesses were developed several years ago to boost the signal
for some older PCM systems and should not be used with Spektrum equipment. Note that when
converting an existing model to Spektrum be certain that all amplified Y-harnesses and/or servo
extensions are replaced with conventional non-amplified versions.
The AR6100/AR6100e receiver must be bound to the transmitter before it will operate. Binding is
the process of teaching the receiver the specific code of the transmitter so it will only connect to that
specific transmitter.
1. To bind an AR6100/AR6100e to a DSM2 transmitter, insert the bind plug in the BATT/BIND port on
the receiver.
Note: To bind an aircraft with an electronic speed controller that powers the receiver through the
throttle channel (ESC/BEC), insert the bind plug into the BATT/BIND port in the receiver and the
throttle lead into the throttle (THRO) port. Proceed to Step #2.
2. Power the receiver. Note that the LED on the receiver should be flashing, indicating that the receiver
is in bind mode and ready to be bound to the transmitter.
AR6100/6100e User Guide
The AR6100/AR6100e features DSM2
technology and is compatible with all Spektrum
and JR
aircraft transmitters that support DSM2 technology, like the 12X, X9303, DX7, DX6i, DX5e and
Module Systems.
Note: The AR6100/AR6100e receivers are not compatible with the DX6 parkflyer radio system.
• 6CH Parkflyer receiver
• QuickConnect with Brownout Detection
• Available with Vertical or End-Pin configuration for specific installations
Parkflyer Aircraft Only
Including: Small electric and non-powered airplanes. Mini and micro electric helicopters
up to 450 size.
Note: Not for use in airplanes that have significant carbon or conductive structures.
Type: Parkflyer
Channels: 6
Modulation: DSM2
Dimension (WxLxH): AR6100- 19 x 30 x 9mm
AR6100e- 19 x 40 x 9mm
Weight: AR6100- 3.5 g
AR6100e- 4.4 g
Input Voltage Range: 3.5–9.6V
Resolution: 1024
Compatibility: All DSM2 Aircraft Transmitters and Module Systems
Receiver Installation
AR6100e installed in airplane
In electric airplanes it is recommended that double-sided foam tape be used to secure the AR6100/
AR6100e in a position recommended by the aircraft manufacturer.
AR6100 installed in Heli
In electric helicopters it is recommended that double-sided foam tape be used to secure
the AR6100/AR6100e in a position that locates the receiver away from the motor and ESC
where possible.
3. Move the sticks and switches on the transmitter to the desired failsafe positions (low throttle and
neutral control positions).
4. Follow the procedures of your specific transmitter to enter Bind Mode, the system will connect
within a few seconds. Once connected, the LED on the receiver will go solid indicating the system
is connected.
5. Remove the bind plug from the BATT/BIND port on the receiver before you power off the transmitter
and store it in a convenient place.
6. After you’ve set up your model, it’s important to rebind the system so the true low throttle and
neutral control surface positions are set.
IMPORTANT: Remove the bind plug to prevent the system from entering bind mode the next time the
power is turned on.
Smartsafe Failsafe
The AR6100/AR6100e features SmartSafe™ failsafe. SmartSafe is ideal for most types of electric
aircraft. With SmartSafe, when signal is lost the throttle channel only is driven to its preset failsafe
position (normally low throttle) while all other channels hold last command.
signal is lost.
Receiver Power Only
channel has no output, to avoid operating or arming the electronic speed control.
Note: Some analog servos may coast slightly even though no signal is present. This is normal.
After Connection
of all channels occurs.
only to its preset failsafe position (low throttle) that was set during binding.
immediately (less than 4ms) regains control.
Plugging in the Leads
Plug the servo leads into the appropriate servo ports in the receiver noting the polarity of the
servo connector.