Spektrum SPM6000BR User Manual
Br6000 bot receiver

BR6000 Bot Receiver
Spektrum’s BR6000 receiver is designed for robot and special application usage where it’s desirable to have the
failsafe drive all channels to a preprogrammed position vs. hold last command during loss of signal. This is ideal
for applications where it’s necessary to shut down systems (e.g. weaponry, drive motors, etc,) during loss of
signal to prevent an unsafe condition.
Setting the Failsafe Positions
The failsafe position for all six channels is established during the binding process. It’s necessary to position and
hold the transmitter’s sticks, switches and levers in the desired position during binding to program the failsafe
STEP 1 Insert the bind plug in the battery port in the receiver.
STEP 2 Power the receiver. The amber LED should flash indicating the receiver is in bind mode.
STEP 3 Position all transmitter sticks, switches and levers to the desired failsafe positions.
STEP 4 With the transmitter sticks, switches and levers in the desired positions, press and hold the bind
button on the back of the transmitter while turning on the transmitter. The bind button will flash
green for several seconds then become solid and connect to the receiver.
STEP 5 IMPORTANT Remove the bind plug.
Testing the failsafe positions
To test the failsafe positions, with the transmitter and receiver on, turn off the transmitter and all channels will
drive to their preprogrammed failsafe positions. If different positions are desired it will be necessary to rebind
the system (Steps 1 thru 5 above) to establish the desired failsafe positions.
NOTE: If the receiver is powered up prior to the transmitter no signal will be sent out on
the channels, thus preventing arming speed controllers or moving servo positions.