Figure 153: stp menu – Allied Telesis AT-S63 User Manual

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AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide

Section V: Spanning Tree Protocols


2. From the Spanning Tree Configuration menu, type 3 to select

Configure Active Protocol. The STP menu is shown in Figure 153.

Figure 153. STP Menu

The bridge hello time, bridge forwarding, and bridge max age
parameters will have two values if STP is enabled on the switch (for
example, Bridge Forwarding .. 15/15). The first number is the
configured value on the switch for the parameter and the second is the
value the switch obtained from the root bridge and is actually using for
the parameter. The switch displays only the configured values for
these parameters if spanning tree is not activated on the switch.

3. Adjust the following parameters as needed.

1 - Bridge Priority
The priority number for the bridge. This number is used to determine
the root bridge for RSTP. The bridge with the lowest priority number is
selected as the root bridge. If two or more bridges have the same
priority value, the bridge with the numerically lowest MAC address
becomes the root bridge. When a root bridge goes offline, the bridge
with the next priority number automatically takes over as the root
bridge. This parameter can be from 0 (zero) to 61,440 in increments of
4096, with 0 being the highest priority. For a list of the increments, refer
to Table 5.

Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63


User: Manager

11:20:02 02-Mar-2005

STP Menu

1 - Bridge Priority ..... 32768
2 - Bridge Hello Time ... 2/2 (Configured/Actual)
3 - Bridge Forwarding ... 15/15 (Configured/Actual)
4 - Bridge Max Age ...... 20/20 (Configured/Actual)
5 - Bridge Identifier ... 32768/00:21:46:A7:B4:11
6 - Root Bridge ......... 00:21:46:A7:B4:11
7 - Root Priority ....... 32768
8 - Root Path Cost ...... 0

P - STP Port Settings
D - Reset STP to Defaults

R - Return to Previous Menu

Enter your selection?