Setting the clock – Avocent EVR1500-AM User Manual
Page 27

EVR1500 Installer/User Guide
5. Click
Save button to save the settings for your email confi guration.
- or -
Click the Cancel button to revert all confi guration items in the Network tab
to the last Save operation.
Setting the Clock
After configuring the network and/or the email server, set the network
system time.
To set the clock:
NOTE: The time zone shown on the terminal emulation screen is in Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT). The web GUI is set to the Windows time and date settings.
After launching the web GUI, click System - Set Clock. A window displays
confi gurable items for the clock.
Figure 3.7: Set Clock Window
2. Type the current time in the Hours, Minutes and Seconds fi elds. For the
Hours entry, type a value from Ø to 23. Type the current date in the Month,
Day and Year fi elds. For the Year entry, type a value greater than 2000.
NOTE: Message boxes will display if values are out of range.
3. Click
Set to save the clock settings.