Campbell Scientific HMP45C Temperature and RH Probe User Manual

Page 3

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HMP45C Table of Contents

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1. General Description


2. Specifications


2.1 Temperature Sensor ..................................................................................2
2.2 Relative Humidity Sensor.........................................................................2

3. Installation


3.1 Siting.........................................................................................................3
3.2 Assembly and Mounting...........................................................................3

4. Wiring


5. Example Programs


6. Long Lead Lengths


7. Absolute Humidity


8. Sensor Maintenance


9. Troubleshooting


10. References



A. Wiring for Older HMP45C Probes

.......................... A-1


3-1. HMP45C and 41003-5 Radiation Shield on a Tripod Mast ....................4
3-2. HMP45C and 41003-5 Radiation Shield on a CM200 Series Crossarm.4
A-1. HMP45C Probe to Datalogger Connections...................................... A-1
