Airlink101 AR675W User Manual
Page 48

Check this box if you want to enable multiple
access points.
Please select the radio band from one of the
following options.
2.4GHz(B): 2.4GHz band, only allows 802.11b
wireless network client to connect this router
(maximum transfer rate 11Mbps).
2.4 GHz (N): 2.4GHz band, only allows 802.11n
wireless network client to connect this router
(maximum transfer rate 150Mbps).
2.4 GHz (B+G):2.4GHz band, only allows
802.11b and 802.11g wireless network client to
connect this router (maximum transfer rate
11Mbps for 802.11b clients, and maximum
54Mbps for 802.11g clients).
2.4 GHz (G): 2.4GHz band, only allows 802.11g
wireless network client to connect this router
(maximum transfer rate 54Mbps).
2.4 GHz (B+G+N): 2.4GHz band, allows
802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n wireless network
client to connect this router (maximum transfer
rate 11Mbps for 802.11b clients, maximum
54Mbps for 802.11g clients, and maximum
150Mbps for 802.11n clients).
This is the name of wireless router. You can
type any alphanumerical characters here,
maximum 32 characters. SSID is used to identify
your own wireless router from others when there
are other wireless routers in the same area.
Default SSID is ‘default-VAP0/1/2/3’, it’s
recommended to change default SSID value to
the one which is meaningful to you, like
myhome, office_room1, etc.
Data Rate
Set the wireless data transfer rate to a certain
value. Since most of wireless devices will
negotiate with each other and pick a proper data
transfer rate automatically, it’s not necessary to