Matrix Orbital GLK12232-25-SM Legacy User Manual
Page 19

5.2.6 Draw Solid Rectangle (254 120 [color][x1][y1][x2][y2])
This command draws a solid rectangle in the specified color (0 = white, non-zero = black). The top left
corner is specified by (x1,y1) and the bottom right corner by (x2,y2). Since this command involves consid-
erable processing overhead, we
strongly recommend the use of flow control, particularly if the command
is to be repeated frequently.
This procedure is common for monitoring applications where there is a ’field’ on the display that is
constantly being updated from, say, a temperature sensor.
5.2.7 Initialize Bar Graph (254 103 [ref][type][x1][y1][x2][y2])
This command initializes a bar graph referred to by number [reference number] of type [type] with size
from (x1,y1) (top left) to (x2,y2) (bottom right). A maximum of 16 bar graphs with reference numbers from
0 to 15 can be initialized as;
• [type = 0] Vertical bottom referenced
• [type = 1] Horizontal left referenced
• [type = 2] Vertical top referenced
• [type = 3] Horizontal right referenced
The bar graphs may be located anywhere on the display, but if they overlap they will not display properly.
NOTE It is important that [x1] is less than [x2], and [y1] is less than [y2].
This command doesn’t actually draw the graph, it must be ’filled in’ using the Write to bar graph command,
described below. The unit saves time by only drawing that part of the bar graph which has changed from the
last write, so the representation on the screen may not survive a screen clear or other corruptive action. A
write of value zero, followed by new values will restore the proper look of the bar graph.
5.2.8 Write to Bar Graph (254 105 [reference number][value])
Once the bar graph has been initialized it can be ’filled in’ using this command. This command sets the
bar graph [reference number] to value [value]. [value] is given in pixels and should not exceed the available
height / width of the graph. (If it does, the graph will simply be written to its maximum size.)
5.2.9 Display Saved Bitmap (254 98 [reference number][x][y])
This command causes a previously stored bitmap referenced by [reference number] to be displayed to
the screen at pixel location (x, y) where this location defines the top left corner of the bitmap. Bitmaps and
fonts may use the same reference numbers, for example it is possible to have both a bitmap 1 and a font 1.
NOTE The reference number is established when the bitmap is saved, normally using
Matrix Orbital