Reset_device command, Get_keymap_item command (kb) – MagTek USB MagnePrint Swipe Reader with Encryption User Manual

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USB MagnePrint Swipe Reader with Encryption


Example Get SEQUENCE_COUNTER property Request (Hex):

Cmd Num

Data Len

Prp ID

00 01


Example Get SEQUENCE_COUNTER property Response (Hex):

Result Code Data Len

Prp Value



02 01 00 00 (counter is 258 decimal)


Command number:



This command is used to reset the device. This command can be used to
make previously changed properties take affect without having to unplug
and then plug in the device. When the device resets, it automatically does
a USB detach followed by an attach. After the host sends this command
to the device it should close the USB port, wait a few seconds for the
operating system to handle the device detach followed by the attach and
then re-open the USB port before trying to communicate further with the

Data structure:

No data is sent with this command

Result codes:

0 (success)

Example Request (Hex):

Cmd Num

Data Len


02 00

Example Response (Hex):

Result Code Data Len


00 00


Command number:



This command is used to get a key map item from the active key map.
The active key map is determined by the active key map property. Data
from a magnetic stripe card is a sequence of ASCII characters. These
ASCII characters are mapped to key strokes and these key strokes are sent
to the host to represent the ASCII character. The key map maps a single
ASCII character to a single USB key usage ID and USB key modifier
byte. The key usage ID and the key modifier byte are transmitted to the
host via USB to represent the ASCII character. The ASCII value is the
value of the ASCII character to be transmitted to the host. See an ASCII
table for the values of the ASCII character set. The USB key usage ID is a
unique value assigned to every keyboard key. For a list of all key usage
IDs see Appendix A. The key modifier byte modifies the meaning of the
key usage ID. The modifier byte indicates if any combination of the right
or left Ctrl, Shift, Alt or GUI keys are pressed at the same time as the key
usage ID. For a list and description of the key modifier byte see Appendix