Notifier RP-2002C User Manual

Rp-2002c, Agent release control panel, General

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DN-60444:B1 • 12/22/11 — Page 1 of 4


Agent Release Control Panel

Conventional Releasing Panels

Canadian DN-60444:B1


The RP-2002C is a six-zone FACP for single and dual hazard

agent releasing applications. The RP-2002C provides reliable

fire detection, signaling and protection for commercial, indus-

trial and institutional buildings requiring agent-based releasing.

The RP-2002C is compatible with System Sensor’s i



tors which are conventional smoke detectors that can transmit

a maintenance trouble signal to the FACP indicating the need

for cleaning and a supervisory ‘freeze’ signal when the ambi-

ent temperature falls below the detector rating of approxi-

mately 7.22°C. In addition, the control panel is compatible with

conventional input devices such as two-wire smoke detectors,

four-wire smoke detectors, pull stations, waterflow devices,

tamper switches and other normally-open contact devices.

Refer to the Notifier Device Compatibility Document for a com-

plete listing of compatible devices.
Four outputs are programmable as NACs (Notification Appli-

ance Circuits) or releasing circuits. Three programmable

Form-C relays (factory programmed for Alarm, Trouble and

Supervisory) and 24 VDC special application resettable and

non-resettable power outputs are also included on the main

circuit board. The RP-2002C supervises all wiring, AC voltage,

battery charger and battery level.
Activation of a compatible smoke detector or any normally-

open fire alarm initiating device will activate audible and visual

signaling devices, illuminate an indicator, display alarm infor-

mation on the panel’s LCD, sound the piezo sounder at the

FACP, activate the FACP alarm relay and operate an optional

module used to notify a remote station or initiate an auxiliary

control function.


• Listed to Standard ULC-S527-99.
• Designed for agent releasing standards NFPA 12, 12A, 12B,

and 2001.

• Meets International Building Code (IBC) seismic require-


• Disable/Enable control per input zone and output zone.
• Extensive transient protection.
• Dual hazard operation.
• Adjustable pre-discharge, discharge and waterflow delay


• Cross-zone (double-interlock) capability.
• Six programmable Style B (Class B) IDCs (Initiating Device


• System Sensor i


series detector compatible.

• Four programmable Style Y (Class B) output circuits - (spe-

cial application power).

• Strobe synchronization:

System Sensor

• Three programmable Form-C relays.
• 7.0 amps total 24 VDC output current.
• Resettable and non-resettable output power.
• Built-in Programmer.

• ANN-BUS for connection to optional devices (up to 8 total of

any of the following):
N-ANN-80 Remote LCD Annunciator
N-ANN-I/O LED Driver
N-ANN-S/PG Printer Module (only one allowed per panel)
N-ANN-RLY Relay Module
N-ANN-LED Annunciator Module (built-in)

• 80-character LCD display (backlit).
• Real-time clock/calendar with daylight savings time control.
• History log with 256 event storage.
• Piezo sounder for alarm, trouble and supervisory.
• 24 volt operation.
• Low AC voltage sense.
• Outputs Programmable for:

Releasing Circuits or NACS

• NACs programmable for:

Silence Inhibit
Strobe Synchronization
Selective Silence (horn-strobe mute)
Temporal or Steady Signal
Silenceable or Non-silenceable
Release Stage Sounder

• Automatic battery charger with charger supervision.
• Optional Trim Ring TR-CE (red) for semi-flush mounting the


• Optional N-CAC-5X Class A Converter Module for Outputs

and IDCs.

• Optional 4XTM Municipal Box Transmitter Module.
• Optional Digital Alarm Communicators (411, 411UD,


• Optional ANN-SEC card for a secondary ANN-BUS