Hydraulic generator controller – hgc-2 – High Country Tek HGC-2, Closed Loop Controller User Manual

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Hydraulic Generator Controller – HGC-2


HGC-2 Controller Settings and Descriptions


MAXIMUM OUTPUT - The Maximum Output parameter represents the maximum current of the output. This is
often referred to as the gain. The value displayed represents the current in milliamps (amps for -12A, -25A).
The Maximum Output parameter is variable.

MINIMUM FREQ - The Minimum Frequency parameter is used to establish the minimum frequency for the
desired range of operation. A frequency below this value will be handled according to the Below Min Freq.
parameter. The Minimum Frequency parameter is a combination variable/monitor type.


– Below Minimum Frequency selects which function to use when the frequency falls

below the Minimum Frequency. NO FAULT will ignore the condition and TIMED FAULT will trigger the
corresponding fault causing the controller to shut down after the set time. The Below Minimum Frequency
parameter is variable.

MAXIMUM FREQ - The Maximum Frequency parameter is used
to establish the maximum frequency for the
desired range of operation. A frequency above this value will be handled according to the Above Max Freq
parameter. The Maximum Frequency parameter is a combination variable/ monitor type.


– Above Maximum Frequency selects which function to use when the frequency rises

above the Maximum Frequency. NO FAULT will ignore the condition and TIMED FAULT will trigger the
corresponding fault causing the controller to shut down after the set time. The Above Maximum Frequency
parameter is variable.


– Fault Time sets the amount of time that a frequency fault condition exists before the controller

shuts down and indicates the fault. The Fault Time parameter is variable.


– The CC Mode Current sets the desired output current used when the constant

current mode is enabled. The CC Mode Current parameter is variable.


– AC Frequency displays the nominal frequency of the Feedback Input. The Feedback

parameter is a monitor type.

OUTPUT CURRENT - Output Current displays the nominal current being supplied to the output. The Output
Current parameter is a monitor type.

SUPPLY VOLTAGE - The Supply Voltage parameter displays

the module’s power supply voltage. This value

is included as an aid to troubleshooting. The Supply Voltage parameter is a monitor type.