Vaisala FD12P User Manual
Page 72

User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ M210296en-A
The format of the AMES command is the following:
AMES Message_number Message_interval
- The valid range is 0 to 7.
- Selects the corresponding message. Any negative message
number is converted to 0.
- The message number is also the default number for the MES
command and polling.
- If only the message number is given, the previous interval
setting is used.
- Given in multiples of 15 seconds (= the measuring interval).
Therefore intervals 15, 30, 45 ... are valid. Other intervals are
converted to integer multiples of 15 seconds. The maximum
sending interval is 255 seconds (4 minutes 15 seconds).
- Negative or zero interval ignores the automatic sending. This
is used when messages are polled. Refer to section Message
Polling on page 69 for details.
For example, typing
AMES 1 60
selects message number 1 to be sent once in a minute.
AMES 0 0
selects message 0, and cancels the automatic sending.
The AMES command without parameters displays the current
selection and it is the following: