Electronics enclosure, Structural elements, Electronics enclosure structural elements – Vaisala FD12P User Manual
Page 20
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ M210296en-A
The following numbers refer to Figure 2 on page 19:
= Two RainCap
= DRD12 Rain Detector
= Wind shield
= Assembly clamp
= DTS14 Temperature sensor
Electronics Enclosure
The FDP12 Control Unit is the main data processor and
communication unit of the FD12P.
The DRI21 Interface Board is a Vaisala, general-purpose sensor
interface, with several analog and digital input channels. In the
FD12P, one of the DRI21 Interface Board channels is used for
measuring the crossarm temperature and the DRD12 analog signal. In
addition, the DRI21 controls the DRD12 heating and reads the
precipitation ON/OFF status.
The FDW13 Mains Power Supply converts the mains voltage to
24 VAC power for the FDS12 regulator and the heater elements. The
FDW13 includes also the mains voltage selector and the mains
ON/OFF switch, which also functions as an automatic fuse.
The FDS12 DC Voltage Regulatorconverts the AC or DC input
voltage (min. 18 V) to 12 VDC power used by FD12P electronics. The
FDS12 also includes one relay used to control heater power.
The DMX21 Modem (optional) is a standard, 300-baud modem used
only in the leased line mode with the FD12P.
The FDE12 Backup Temperature Sensor is included.
Structural Elements
The structural elements include the pole mast with a standard height
of 2 meters and the FDC115 Transducer Crossarm with a length of
1.5 meters, which is also the total width of the FD12P.