Nitrous Express Maximizer 2 User Manual

Page 9

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AUTOMATIC PURGE – when the MAXIMIZER-II is armed, the output will automatically trigger
your purge solenoid relay for the amount of time you set in the Purge Time setting. If you have
the other GPO configured as BOTTLE OPENER, the AUTOMATIC PURGE will wait until the
bottle open cycle is complete before doing a purge. If the bottle is already open (bottle heater
enabled) it will purge immediately.

Number of Gears allows you to set the number of gear profiles. The MAXIMIZER-II can have a
unique profile for each gear for each stage.

Gear Reset Time allows you to set the time in seconds that the MAXIMIZER-II will wait before setting
its gear counter to the predetermined gear. This occurs only after the MAXIMIZER-II has been armed,
activated and has been left in the armed state.

Reset To allows you to set the default gear for the gear reset time.

Transmission Type allows you to select the type of transmission (manual or automatic). If ‘Manual’,
there is no more configuration required for Transmission.

If Automatic, proceed as follows.

Detect Gearshift Above allows you to set the minimum RPM threshold above which the
MAXIMIZER-II can detect a gear change.

Trigger Gearshift Drop allows you to set the amount by which the RPM must drop before the
MAXIMIZER-II will detect the change as a gear change.

Enable 4 Solenoid Single Stage allows you to set the MAXIMIZER-II into single stage mode. In this
mode both channels act as a single channel allowing you to drive 2 pairs of solenoids as a single
stage. A checkmark in the box enables this feature.

Enable Load Balance tells the MAXIMIZER-II to alternately pulse the solenoids. Normally channel 1 &
2 solenoids would be pulsed on and off at the same time which can cause fuel pressure and voltage
dropouts. Enabling this will have the effect of reducing the load by as much as 40% during the ramp

WARNING: DO NOT use this feature if your fuel and nitrous solenoids are not on the same channel.