Nitrous Express NISSAN GTR PLATE SYSTEM User Manual

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NOTE: Place a piece of tape over the end of the feed line to prevent debris from entering the feed line during the
routing process.
The 15-foot nitrous feed line may be routed to the engine compartment either through the passenger compartment or
under the vehicle. The 90 degree end of the hose goes to the front of the vehicle. Route the line carefully to prevent
the possibility of restricti

ng nitrous flow. If routed under vehicle, locate and drill a 3⁄4 inch diameter hole in a

suitable area near the bottle valve for the main line. Starting at the bottle nipple (Do not attach line to the bottle
nipple yet) route the line to the engine compartment. Following the factory fuel lines is

usually the best path. Note:

Keep maximum clearance between all moving parts, suspension components and hot engine components, securing
the supply line where possible (“Zip Ties” are the best for securing the feed line). Be especially careful of the feed
line being near any “HOT” electrical leads, one small spark will destroy the Teflon liner causing a nitrous leak.


Before any modifications are made under the hood, we suggest that you make a diagram of all hoses wiring and
1. Pre-assemble the nitrous plate before you begin. Select the horsepower setting that you want to start with, insert

the proper nitrous jet in the fitting marked “N2O” (CAUTION: You must always use a back-up wrench when
tightening the nitrous or fuel fittings, otherwise the jet fitting may break. Failure to use a back-up wrench will
void the system warranty!!!!!) Connect the blue stainless main feed lines to the nitrous plate fittings. The nitrous
fitting can be identified by the “N2O” marked on the top of the plate. Repeat this procedure for the fuel solenoid
(the fuel fitting will be marked “FUEL”). NOTE: Always check each jet for obstructions before using.

2. Remove the throttle bodies.
3. The nitrous plate should be installed as shown. (See Illustration B) Fuel and nitrous fittings are to the rear. Using

supplied gaskets reinstall the throttle bodies in front of the nitrous plate and torque to factory specs using the
provided hardware.