ididit Cable Shift Linkage Kit: Ford Column to Ford C-6 Transmission User Manual

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1. You need at least 2” of clearance between the shift lever and the toe

board or firewall at the bottom end of the column. It is best if the

column can come out of the car so that some preliminary work can be

done on a workbench.

2. The shift lever at the bottom of the column

needs to be flat so that you can drill two holes

and bolt it to the horseshoe bracket. If your

shift lever is bent, you have to either straighten

it or you will have to cut it out and weld on a

new piece. Please use the same thickness as

was used originally.

3. To install the horseshoe bracket, clamp the

horseshoe piece to the shift lever with vise

grips and drill two holes so that the single hole

in the horseshoe is towards the driver’s side.

Make sure the single hole is 2” from the center

of the steering column shaft to the center of the

single 5/16” hole. The drilled holes need to be

1/4” from the hardware supplied.

4. Trim off the excess of

the original shift lever to

make it look nicer.

5. Take the horseshoe piece

back off the column and

install the column in the car.

Remember to secure it at

the dash and firewall!

6. Put the column into the park position. Install

the two piece bracket on the column toward the firewall side of the

lower shift lever. Make sure that the hole that the cable passes through

faces forward. Make it snug, but do not tighten as you will most likely

have to move it later.