Boonton The New 55 Series Wideband USB Power Sensor User Manual

Page 14

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55 Series Wideband USB Sensor

Page 14 of 28

The suggested measurement window setup for a pulse measurements by selecting sensor models are
listed below as an example. Following screenshot is provided as a recommended default setup.

Figure : Main application window of Boonton Power Analyzer Suite for pulse signal measurement.

Boonton Power Analyzer software allows to use custom entry fields for most numeric data under both Channel
Control View and Time/Trigger View. These entry fields are closely related to regular text entry boxes that allow
the user to enter any number.

Zoom into a special area:

The software has an additional feature which allows a user to drag a rectangular box in order to zoom onto a
special area of the displayed waveform. The highlighted dragged rectangular area indicates the minimum area that
will be shown when the zoom operation completes. The zoom area is constrained to the preset timebase settings
and trigger vernier limits.