55 series wideband usb sensor – Boonton The New 55 Series Wideband USB Power Sensor User Manual
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55 Series Wideband USB Sensor
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(2) Under "Available Resources", a pop up box will appear as below with the list of connected devices name and
hardware information. The initial view of the Boonton Peak Power Analyzer software will look like as below:
(3) Check the “Select” box, select the tab "New Virtual Pwr Analyzer" at the bottom, a new Virtual Power Analyzer
window will show up. If you have a RF signal connected already to the USB sensor, the measured signal should
display on the window.
Docking Windows:
Boonton Power Analyzer Suite uses dockable windows to allow the user to arrange the various windows in the
configuration of their choice. You can drag a docked window by clicking its title bar. This action enables you to
move the window to a different docked position or undock it. To know more about dragging a floating window to a
new position, refer to this link for
To dock tool windows
o Click the tool window you want to dock.
o Drag the window toward the middle of the software main window.
A guide diamond will appear with four arrows point toward the four sides of the main window.
o When the tool window you are dragging reaches the location where you want to dock it, move the pointer
over the corresponding portion of the guide diamond. The designated area is shaded blue.
o To dock the window in the position indicated, release the mouse button. Note that docked windows can be
overlapped. By selecting individual tab it is possible to resize each tool windows and can be repositioned as
below picture.
Alternatively, you can dock a tool window to a portion of one of the side walls of the software by dragging
it to the side until you see a secondary guide diamond. Click one of the four arrows to dock the tool
window to that portion of the side wall.