Boonton The New 55 Series Wideband USB Power Sensor User Manual
Page 12

55 Series Wideband USB Sensor
Page 12 of 28
The following diagram shows the guide diamonds with arrows that appear when you drag a tool window toward
the center of the Boonton software main window. The diamond on the right edge only appears when you drag a
tool window toward the edge of the software.
Note: Each tool windows are highlighted as rectangular box to be positioned by dragging toward each individual
direction of the main window. Below picture is just an example, but you can always rearrange these tool windows
as you prefer to see them within your main software window.
Figure : Docking and undocking sidebars on several directions of the main window (recommended setup).
Main Application:
The main application window is divided into several major sections and dockable windows depending on the type
of measurement selection. These windows can be arranged easily by docking and undocking within the main
application display area.
Available Resources:
Sensors can be selected under "Available Resources". The status message will show the hardware
version , model and channel information including alias. User can select up to 8 resources per Virtual
Power Analyzer. Once any sensor model is selected and then clicked on "New Virtual Pwr Analyzer" tab,
a new measurement windows will show up by default with a pulse measurement.