APC AP9268 User Manual
Page 40

Confi gure your terminal program to the following settings:
38,400 Baud
8 Bits
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
No Flow Control
Activate the OSD menu on your APC KVM Switch by tapping the Control key
twice. Enter Control twice more to activate the Administrator Commands screen
and then select Administrator Functions.
Use the down arrow key to highlight the menu selection for FLASH Upgrade,
then hit Enter.
A menu screen will appear and ask if you wish to continue. You must type out the
word ‘Yes’ before proceeding. Once you have done this, the Switch will go into
a standby mode and wait for data from the computer. (Note: The keyboard, video
and mouse are disabled during the FLASH upgrade.)
The fi nal step is to send the FLASH fi le from your terminal program. To do this,
you will need to use the transfer function of your communications software.
Send the FLASH fi le using the XMODEM protocol. The transfer should be
completed within four minutes.
The APC KVM Switch will automatically check the upgrade and make sure
that it is valid. If the Switch detects an error it will abort the upgrade and
prompt you to re-transfer the fi le. Otherwise, it will return the message “Flash
Upgrade Successful”.